네이션스리그 프랑스 음바페 동점골.gif (벨기에전) :: 외시경실
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네이션스리그 프랑스 음바페 동점골.gif (벨기에전)

by 두용이 2021. 10. 8.


Les Bleus are level! It's an outstanding spot kick from the man who set up Benzema's first for France, lifting a powerful penalty beyond the dive of Lloris, who flings himself in the correct direction, and high into the top left-hand corner of the goalkeeper's net. This thrilling semi-final takes a huge twist!


프랑스의 음바페가 페널티킥을 성공시켜 동점을 만들었다.


프랑스 2:2 벨기에 





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