하강 descensus, descent
하대정맥 inferior vena cava
하루변이 diurnal variation
하루치식량 ration
하마종 ranula
하반신마비 paraplegia
하반신불완전마비 paraparesis
하버스관 haversian canal
하사시 hypotropia
하수 sewage
하시모토병 Hashimoto's disease
하악각축소술 mandibular angle reduction
하악골 mandible
하악골절제(술) mandibulectomy
하악후퇴(증) mandibular retraction
하이브리도마 hybridoma
하전 charge
하제 purgative
하제사용 purging
하지 lower limb, pelvic limb
하품 oscitation
하행- descendens, descending
하행로 descending tract
학과 department
학교보건사업 school health
학대 abuse, molestation
학명 scientific name
학부 faculty
학설 theory
학술지 journal
학습 learning
학습곡선 learning curve
학습장애 learning disorder
학업수행 school performance
학위 degree
학질 malaria, paludism
학회 institution
한계 borderline, limit, limitation
한곳모임 localization
한눈- monocular
한눈시력 monocular vision
한랭 cold, coldness
한랭글로불린혈증 cryoglobulinemia
한랭두드러기 cold urticaria
한랭못견딤(증) cold intolerance
한랭침전물 cryoprecipitate
한숨 suspiration
한외거르기 ultrafiltration
한쪽 unilateral
한타바이러스 Hantavirus
할구 blastomere
할로탄 halothane
할로페리돌 haloperidol
할리퀸 Harlequin
함 cabinet, chamber
함구증 mutism
함량 content
함몰 cupping, depression, excavation
함몰젖꼭지 inverted nipple
함수 function
함입 invagination
합금 alloy
합류 confluence
합리화 rationalization
합병증 complication
합성 composition, synthesis
합성- synthetic
합성결함 synthesis defect
합성대사 anabolism
합성효소 synthetase
합지증 syndactyly
합체 hologamy
합치 concordance
합텐 hapten
합토글로빈 haptoglobin
합포영양막 syncytiotrophoblast
합포체 syncytium
합포체- syncytial
항가슴샘세포글로불린 antithymocyte globulin
항간질- antiepileptic
항간질제 antiepileptic
항결핵제 antituberculosis drug, tuberculostatic drug
항경련- anticonvulsant
항경련제 anticonvulsant, antiseizure drug
항고혈압제 antihypertensive drug
항공 aviation
항공의학 aviation medicine
항구토- antiemetic
항구토제 antiemetic, antiemetic drug
항균- antimicrobial
항균물질 antibacterial substance
항균범위 antibacterial spectrum
항균약 antiseptic drug
항균작용 antimicrobial action
항균제 antimicrobial
항균제감수성 antimicrobial susceptibility
항균제감수성검사 antimicrobial susceptibility test
항글로불린검사 antiglobulin test
항남성몬 antiandrogen
항대사물질 antimetabolic agent
항독소 antitoxin
항독소가 antitoxin unit
항림프구글로불린 antilymphocyte globulin
항말라리아제 antimalarial drug
항문 anus
항문감염 retroinfection
항문경 anoscope
항문경유- transanal
항문곧창자기형 anorectal malformation
항문관 anal canal
항문기 anal stage
항문보개 anoscope
항문샛길 anal fistula
항문암 anal cancer
항문압검사 anal manometry
항문압력측정 anal manometry
항문열창 anal fissure
항문올림근 levator ani muscle
항문융기 anal cushion
항문주위고름집 perianal abscess
항문주위농양 perianal abscess
항문주위샘 anal gland
항문직장기형 anorectal malformation
항문초음파조영사진 endoanal ultrasonogram
항문쿠션 anal cushion
항문판막 anal valve
항문피부선 anocutaneous line, anal verge
항미생물- antimicrobial
항미생물제- antimicrobial
항바이러스제 antiviral drug
항뱀독소 antivenin
항부정맥제 antiarrhythmic drug
항불안- anxiolytic
항불안제 anxiolytic
항산균 acid-fast bacillus, acid-fast bacterium, acid fast organism
항산막대균 acid-fast bacillus
항산성 acid fastness
항산염색 acid-fast stain
항산화제 antioxidant
항산화효과 antioxidant effect
항상성 homeostasis
항생 antibiosis
항생작용 antibiosis
항생제 antibiotic
항생제내성 antibiotic resistance
항생제요법 antibiotic therapy
항섬유소용해- antifibrinolytic
항섬유소용해제 antifibrinolytic
항신생물제 antineoplastic
항아리배 pot belly
항아메바제 antiamebic drug
항알오항체 anti-Ro antibody
항암제 antitumor agent
항에스엠항체 anti-Sm antibody
항염증제 anti-inflammatory agent
항우울- antidepressant
항우울제 antidepressant
항원 antigen
항원결정기 antigenic determinant
항원결정인자 epitope
항원결합부위 antigen-binding site
항원과잉 antigen excess
항원분석 antigen analysis
항원성 antigenicity
항원수용체 antigen receptor
항원자극 antigenic stimulation
항원전달 antigen presentation
항원특이성 antigenic specificity
항원항체반응 antigen-antibody reaction
항원혈증 antigenemia
항응고 anticoagulation
항응고- anticoagulant
항응고제 anticoagulant, anticoagulant drug
항응고효과 anticoagulant effect
항이뇨 antidiuresis
항이뇨호르몬 antidiuretic hormone, ADH
항이뇨호르몬과다분비증후군 syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, SIADH
항이뇨호르몬부적절분비증후군 syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, SIADH
항이중가닥디엔에이항체 anti-double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid antibody, anti-dsDNA antibody
항인지질항체 antiphospholipid antibody
항정상태 steady state
항정신병약물악성증후군 neuroleptic malignant syndrome
항정자항체 antisperm antibody
항종양제 antineoplastic
항중성구세포질항체 antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
항진 sthenia
항진균제 antifungal agent
항천식제 antiasthmatic agent
항체 antibody
항체가 antibody titer
항체선별검사 antibody screening test
항체합성 antibody synthesis
항카디오리핀항체 anticardiolipin antibody
항콜린- anticholinergic
항콜린에스테라아제검사 anticholinesterase test
항콜린제 anticholinergic
항트롬빈 antithrombin
항핵항체 antinuclear antibody
항혈소판인자 antiplatelet factor
항혈소판제 antiplatelet drug
항혈전- antithrombotic
항혈전제 antithrombotic
항혈청 antiserum
항히스타민제 antihistaminic drug
해당량 equivalent
해독 detoxification, toxicopexis
해독제 antidote, toxicide
해리 dissociation
해리둔주 dissociative fugue
해마 hippocampus
해면 sponge
해면- cavernous
해면뼈 spongy bone
해면정맥굴 carvenous sinus
해면질 spongy substance
해면층 spongy layer
해면혈관종 cavernous hemangioma
해면화 spongiosis
해부 dissection
해부치아뿌리 anatomical root
해부학 anatomy
해상력 resolution
해석 interpretation
해소기 resolution phase
해열작용 antipyretic action
해열진통제 antipyretic analgesic
해초 seaweed
핵 nidus, nuclei, nucleus
핵내주입 transfection
핵농축(증) pyknosis
핵당단백질 nucleoglucoprotein
핵막 nuclear membrane
핵모양 nucleoid
핵붕괴 karyoklasis
핵산 nucleic acid
핵산전달감염 transfection
핵상마비 supranuclear palsy
핵소체 nucleolus
핵소체실 nucleolonema
핵속핵산분해효소 endonuclease
핵심 core
핵자기공명 nuclear magnetic resonance
핵종 nuclide
핵질 nucleoplasm
핵파괴 karyorrhexis
핵형 karyotype
핵형분석 karyotyping
햄검사 Ham's test
햄스터 hamster
햇살 sunburst
햇살- sunburst
행동 behavior, praxis
행동수정 behavioral modification
행동요법 behavioral therapy
행동장애 behavior disorder
행위 act
행위상실증 apraxia
행정가 administrator
행태 behavior
향기 aromatic odor
향료 odoriferous substance
향상 upgrade
향성 tropism
향수 nostalgia
향신경- neurotrophic, neurotropic
향신경바이러스 neurotropic virus
향착성 stereotaxis
허기 hunger
허리- lumbar
허리교감신경절제(술) lumbar sympathectomy
허리근고름집 psoas abscess
허리근농양 psoas abscess
허리뼈 lumbar vertebra
허리엉치신경얼기 lumbosacral plexus
허리통증 lumbago
허물벗음 moulting
허상 artifact
허약 weakness
허약- invalid
허약자 invalid
허용 tolerance
허용량 allowance
허용오차 allowable error
허탈 collapse
허탈발작 cataplexy
허파 lung, pulmo
허파- pulmonary
허파계면활성체 pulmonary surfactant
허파고혈압 pulmonary hypertension
허파과오종 pulmonary hamartoma
허파관류스캔 pulmonary perfusion scan
허파기능부족 pulmonary insufficiency
허파꽈리 pulmonary alveolus
허파꽈리관 alveolar duct
허파꽈리염 alveolitis
허파꽈리저환기 alveolar hypoventilation
허파꽈리주머니 alveolar saccule
허파꽈리환기 alveolar ventilation
허파꽈리환기율 alveolar ventilation rate
허파동맥 pulmonary trunk
허파동맥쐐기압 pulmonary artery wedge pressure
허파동정맥샛길 pulmonary arteriovenous fistula
허파먼지증 pneumoconiosis, pneumonoconiosis
허파모세혈관쐐기압 pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
허파문림프절 hilar lymph node
허파박리(술) pneumonolysis
허파부종 pulmonary edema
허파부피 lung volume
허파분리증 pulmonary sequestration
허파색전증 pulmonary embolism
허파세포 pneumonocyte
허파심장증 cor pulmonale
허파압축 lung squeeze
허파염 pneumonia
허파유순도 pulmonary compliance
허파절제술 pneumonectomy
허파쪽가슴막 visceral pleura
허파찌름 pneumonocentesis
허파탄성 pulmonary compliance
허파혈관저항 total pulmonary resistance
허파혈전색전증 pulmonary thromboembolism
허혈 ischemia
허혈- ischemic
허혈손상 ischemic injury
허혈시각신경병증 ischemic optic neuropathy
헌혈 donation, blood donation
헌혈자 blood donor
헐떡임 gasping
헛다리 pseudopodium
헛다리감각 phantom limb sensation
헛다리통증 phantom limb pain
헛약 placebo
헛통증 phantom pain
헛팔감각 phantom limb sensation
헛팔통증 phantom limb pain
헛현상 phantom phenomenon
헤노호쉔라인자색반 Henoch-Schönlein purpura
헤노흐쉔라인자색반신장염 Henoch-Schöenlein purpura nephritis
헤노흐쉔라인자색반콩팥염 Henoch-Schöenlein purpura nephritis
헤로인 heroin
헤르페스 herpes
헤마틴 hematin
헤모시데린증 hemosiderosis
헤모필루스 Haemophilus
헤파린 heparin
헥산디온 hexanedione
헴 heme
혀 lingua, tongue
혀계곡 lingual vallecula
혀면결절 cingulum
혀밑- sublingual
혀밑샘 sublingual gland
혀밑샘염 sublinguitis
혀밑신경 hypoglossal nerve
혀염 glossitis
혀인두신경 glossopharyngeal nerve
혀편도 lingual tonsil
현기 vertigo
현기증 giddiness
현미경 microscope
현미경검사(법) microscopy
현미경사진 photomicrograph
현미경영화촬영술 cinemicrography
현미침 microneedle
현상 phenomenon
현상학 phenomenology
현실원칙 reality principle
현장- bedside
현탁물 suspended matter
혈- bloody
혈관 vessel, blood vessel
혈관- vascular
혈관각화종 angiokeratoma
혈관간세포증식사구체신염 mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
혈관경련수축 vasospasm
혈관경화 angiosclerosis
혈관계 vasculature
혈관구조 vasculature
혈관긴장도 vascular tone
혈관내- intravascular
혈관내막 tunica intima
혈관내피성장인자 vascular endothelial growth factor
혈관내피종 hemangioendothelioma
혈관미주신경- vasovagal
혈관미주신경실신 vasovagal syncope
혈관바깥막 tunica adventitia
혈관병증 vasculopathy
혈관부종 angioedema
혈관분포상태 vascularity
혈관분포정도 vascularity
혈관사이질증식토리콩팥염 mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
혈관섬유종 angiofibroma
혈관성형술 angioplasty
혈관속막 tunica intima
혈관수축 vasoconstriction
혈관신생 neovascularization
혈관압박 perstriction
혈관없음 avascularity
혈관연축 vasospasm
혈관염 vasculitis
혈관영화촬영술 cineangiography
혈관육종 angiosarcoma
혈관작용- vasoactive
혈관장애 vascular disorder
혈관재형성 revascularization
혈관절개(술) cutdown
혈관절증 hemarthrosis
혈관조영상 angiogram
혈관조영술 angiography
혈관종 hemangioma
혈관주위세포 perivascular cell
혈관중간막 tunica media
혈관증식 angioplasia
혈관지방종 angiolipoma
혈관질환 vascular disorder
혈관치매 vascular dementia
혈관통로 vascular access
혈관평활근종 angioleiomyoma
혈관협착 hemadostenosis
혈관형성 angioplasia
혈관형성이상 angiodysplasia
혈관화 vascularization
혈관확장 vasodilation
혈관확장제 vasodilator
혈관활성- vasoactive
혈구 blood cell, hemocyte
혈구감소증 hypocytosis
혈구계 hemocytometer
혈구계산 blood count
혈구모세포 hemoblast, hemocytoblast
혈구응집검사 hemagglutination test
혈구응집시험 hemagglutination test
혈구형성 hemopoiesis
혈뇨 hematuria
혈담낭 hemocholecyst
혈당 blood sugar
혈당검사 blood sugar test
혈당조절 sugar control
혈량측정(법) plethysmography
혈류 blood flow
혈류계 stream clock
혈류량 blood flow rate
혈류속도 blood flow rate, blood flow velocity
혈류역학 hemodynamics
혈류학 rheology
혈변 bloody stool
혈병퇴축시간 clot retraction time
혈색소 hemoglobin
혈색소뇨(증) hemoglobinuria
혈색소전기영동 hemoglobin electrophoresis
혈색소침착증 hemochromatosis
혈성 bloody
혈성분비물 bloody discharge
혈소판 platelet, thrombocyte
혈소판기능이상 platelet function disorder
혈소판기능저하증 thrombasthenia
혈소판기원성장인자 platelet-derived growth factor
혈소판농축물 platelet concentrate
혈소판모세포 thromboblast
혈소판부착 platelet adhesion
혈소판성분채집술 plateletpheresis, thrombocytapheresis
혈소판유래성장인자 platelet-derived growth factor
혈소판응집 platelet aggregation
혈소판증가증 thrombocytosis
혈소판특이항원 platelet-specific antigen
혈소판형성 thrombopoiesis
혈소판활성인자 platelet activating factor
혈쓸개 hemocholecyst
혈압 arterial pressure, blood pressure
혈압기복 blood pressure fluctuation
혈압높은사람 hypertensive
혈압변동 blood pressure fluctuation
혈압상승제 pressor agent
혈압측정법 sphygmomanometry
혈액 blood
혈액- bloody
혈액가스 blood gas
혈액가슴 hemothorax
혈액거르기 hemofiltration
혈액검사 blood test
혈액공급 blood supply
혈액구토 hematemesis
혈액낭종 hematocele
혈액농축 hemoconcentration
혈액뇌장벽 blood-brain barrier
혈액담즙증 hemobilia
혈액도말 blood film
혈액도말검사 blood film examination
혈액독 hemotoxin
혈액량 blood volume
혈액량감소증 hypovolemic shock
혈액방수장벽 blood-aqueous barrier
혈액복막 hemoperitoneum
혈액상실 blood loss, hematozemia
혈액세포 blood cell
혈액여과 hemofiltration
혈액요소질소 blood urea nitrogen, BUN
혈액은행 blood bank
혈액음낭종 hematocele
혈액응고 hemocoagulation
혈액응고검사 blood coagulation test
혈액응고기전 blood coagulation mechanism
혈액제제 blood product
혈액투석 hemodialysis
혈액투석기 hemodialyzer
혈액투석기계 hemodialysis machine
혈액투석여과 hemodiafiltration
혈액펴바른검사 blood film examination
혈액펴바른표본 blood film
혈액형 blood type
혈액형검사 blood grouping
혈액형군 blood group system
혈액희석(법) hemodilution
혈연- consanguineous
혈우병 hemophilia
혈장 plasma
혈장교환(술) plasma exchange
혈장분리교환술 plasmapheresis
혈장증량제 plasma expander
혈전 thrombus
혈전내막제거(술) thromboendarterectomy
혈전동맥염 thromboarteritis
혈전색전증 thromboembolism
혈전약 antithrombotic
혈전용해 thrombolysis
혈전용해요법 thrombolytic therapy
혈전절제(술) thrombectomy
혈전정맥염 thrombophlebitis
혈전제거(술) thrombectomy
혈전증 thrombosis
혈전혈관염 thromboangiitis
혈전형성 thrombokinesis
혈전형성 thrombopoiesis
혈종 hematoma
혈중농도 blood concentration
혈철소증 hemosiderosis
혈청 serum
혈청- serologic
혈청간염 serum hepatitis
혈청군 serogroup
혈청면역 seroimmunity
혈청배양 seroculture
혈청병 serum sickness
혈청역학 seroepidemiology
혈청전환 seroconversion
혈청학 serology
혈청형 serotype, serovar
혈청형검사 serum typing
혈청형구분 serotyping
혈침속도 erythrocyte sedimentation rate
혈통 pedigree
혈흉 hemothorax
혐기균 anaerobe
혐기세균 anaerobic organism
협동 coordination
협동근 synergist
협동운동 synkinesis
협동작용 synergy
협동장애 coordination disorder
협막 capsule
협부 isthmus
협심증 angina pectoris
협조 coordination
협착 coarctation, constriction, stricture
협착(증) stenosis
협착건초염 stenosing tenosynovitis
협착골반 contracted pelvis
협착기 constrictor
협착심장막염 constrictive pericarditis
협착윤활막염 stenosing tenosynovitis
협착음 stridor
협화 consonance
협화음 consonance
협회 institution
형 form, type
형결정 typing
형광 fluorescence, phosphorescence
형광물질 fluorescein
형상 configuration
형성 formation
형성- formative
형성이상 dysplasia
형성이상모반 dysplastic nevus
형성저하증 hypoplasia
형성체 organizer
형제 sibling
형질 character, plasm
형질도입 transduction
형질막 plasma membrane
형질세포 plasma cell, plasmocyte
형질세포종 plasmocytoma
형질전환 transformation
형체 formation
형태 form, morphology
형태발생 morphogenesis
형태이상(증) dysmorphism
형태학 morphology
형태형성 morphogenesis
호 lake
호기 expiration
호기말양압 positive end expiratory pressure, PEEP
호기시간 expiratory phase time
호기후휴지시간 expiratory pause time
호두까기식도 nutcracker esophagus
호롭터 horopter
호르몬 hormone
호르텐스극구흡충 Echinostoma hortense
호모시스테인 homocysteine
호밀 rye
호산구 eosinophil
호산구- eosinophilic
호산구증가증 eosinophilia
호산구증가증- eosinophilic
호산성- eosinophilic
호산성과립세포 oncocyte
호색증 erotism
호소증상 complaint
호스피스 hospice
호열바큇살균 thermophilic actinomyces
호열방선균 thermophilic actinomyces
호염- halophilic
호염기과립백혈구 basophilic granulocyte
호염기구 basophil
호염기구증가 basophilia
호염기성 basophilia
호염기세포 basophilic cell
호흡 breath, breathing, respiration
호흡계 respirometer
호흡계통 respiratory system
호흡곤란 dyspnea, labored respiration
호흡곤란증후군 respiratory distress syndrome, RDS
호흡구멍 spiracle
호흡기 respirator
호흡기관 respiratory organ
호흡기능부족 respiratory insufficiency
호흡기능상실 respiratory failure
호흡기세포융합바이러스 respiratory syncytial virus
호흡기질 respiratory substrate
호흡동기 respiratory gating
호흡률 respiratory rate
호흡부전 respiratory failure
호흡사슬 respiratory chain
호흡산증 respiratory acidosis
호흡상수 respiratory quotient
호흡세기관지 respiratory bronchiole
호흡소화관 aerodigestive tract
호흡수 respiratory rate, tidal rate
호흡신경 respiratory nerve
호흡운동 respiratory excursion
호흡자극제 respiratory stimulant
호흡장애증후군 respiratory disturbance syndrome
호흡저하 hypoventilation, oligopnea
호흡점막 respiratory mucosa
호흡정지 respiratory standstill
호흡조절 respiration regulation
호흡중추 respiratory center
호흡지수 respiratory quotient, spiroindex
호흡폐쇄 respiratory obstruction
호흡항진 hyperpnea
호흡효소 respiratory enzyme
혹 gall
혼돈 confusion
혼미 stupor
혼수 coma, narcosis
혼탁 clouding, opacity
혼탁뇨 cloudy urine
혼탁화 opacification
혼합 blending
혼합결합조직병 mixed connective tissue disease
혼합기 mixer
혼합림프구배양 mixed lymphocyte culture
혼합물 mixture
홀씨 spore
홀씨낭 sporocyst
홀씨소체 sporozoite
홀씨체 sporophyte
홀씨형성 sporulation
홀정맥 azygos vein
홍반 erythema
홍반열 spotted fever
홍색피부증 erythroderma
홍수법치료 flooding
홍역 measles, rubeola
홍조 flush, flushing
홍채 iris
홍채마비 iridoplegia
홍채섬모체염 iridocyclitis
홍채염 iritis
홍채절개(술) iridotomy
홍채절제(술) iridectomy
홑- solitary
홑결절 solitary nodule
홑극- unipolar
홑림프소절 solitary lymphatic nodule
홑배수 haploid
홑배수성 haploidy
홑배수체 haploid
홑신경염 mononeuritis
홑심실 single ventricle
홑양막쌍둥이 monoamniotic twin
홑접합체 monozygote
홑증상 monosymptom
홑팔다리마비 monoplegia
홑핵 mononucleus
화끈감 burning sensation
화농 suppuration
화농구내염 pyostomatitis
화농근육염 pyomyositis
화농연쇄구균 Streptococcus pyogenes
화농피부염 pyodermatitis
화농피부증 pyoderma
화상 burn
화생 metaplasia
화소 pixel
화학 chemistry
화학- chemical
화학매개체 chemical mediator
화학물질 chemical
화학쏠림성 chemotaxis
화학약품 chemical
화학요법 chemotherapy
화학주성 chemotaxis
화합물 compound
확 socket
확대 expansion, extension, magnification
확대(술) augmentation
확대경 loupe
확대근치전체위절제술 extended radical total gastrectomy
확대코성형술 augmentation rhinoplasty
확률 probability
확률론적효과 stochastic effect
확산 diffusion, spread
확산시간 diffusion time
확성기 microphone
확인 identification
확장 bougie, enlargement
확장(술) dilatation, dilation
확장(증) dilatation, dilation, ectasia, ectasis
확장근 dilator
확장기 bougie, diastole, dilator, expander, sound
확장기떨림 diastolic thrill
확장기말용적 end-diastolic volume
확장기압 diastolic pressure
확장기진전 diastolic thrill
확장기충만시간 diastolic filling time
확장능 extensibility
확장법 bougienage
확장심근병증 dilated cardiomyopathy
확장심장근육병증 dilated cardiomyopathy
확정징후 positive sign
환각 hallucination, pareidolia
환각- psychedelic
환각제 psychedelic
환각증 hallucinosis
환경 environment, setting
환기 aeration, ventilation, venting
환기기 ventilator
환기저하 hypoventilation, oligopnea
환부 local environment, lesion
환상 phantom
환상지통증 phantom limb pain
환상통증 phantom pain
환상현상 phantom phenomenon
환시 visual hallucination
환약 pellet
환원 reduction
환원당 reducing sugar
환원성 reducibility
환원시험 reduction test
환원제 reductant
환원혈색소 reduced hemoglobin
환원효소 reductase
환자 patient, subject
환자대조군연구 case-control study
환자역할행태 sickrole behavior
환자운반차 stretcher
환청 auditory hallucination
활 arc, arch, bow
활꼴동맥 arcuate artery
활꼴핵 arcuate nucleus
활동 action, activity
활동도 performance status
활동떨림 action tremor, intention tremor
활동산소 active oxygen
활동전위 action potential
활력 libido
활력소실 devitalization
활력저하 hypodynamia
활력징후 vital sign
활모양강직 opisthotonos
활보 stride
활석 talcum
활석증 talcosis
활성 activation
활성기 active phase
활성도 activity
활성물질 active material
활성부위 active site
활성산소 active oxygen
활성숯 active carbon, activated charcoal
활성인자 activation factor
활성제 activator
활성탄 active carbon, activated charcoal
활성화 activation
활성화부분트롬보플라스틴시간 activated partial thromboplastin time, aPTT
활성효소 kinase
활주 glide
황 sulfur
황달 jaundice
황반 macula
황반- macular
황반병증 maculopathy
황반보존같은쪽반맹 macular sparing homonymous hemianopsia
황반보존동측반맹 macular sparing homonymous hemianopsia
황반속오목 foveola
황변- xanthochromatic, xanthochromic
황산 sulfuric acid
황산마그네슘 magnesium sulfate
황산염 sulfate
황색뇨증 xanthinuria
황색변색- xanthochromatic, xanthochromic
황색시(증) xanthopia
황색육아종 xanthogranuloma
황색육아종깔때기콩팥염 xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
황색육아종신우신염 xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
황색육아종증 xanthogranulomatosis
황색인대 ligamentum flavum
황색종 xanthoma
황색종증 xanthelasmatosis, xanthomatosis
황색증 xanthosis
황색판종 xanthelasma
황체 lutein
황체기 progravid
황체기결손 luteal phase defect
황체기자궁내막생검 luteal phase endometrial biopsy
황체낭 corpus luteum cyst
황체물혹 corpus luteum cyst
황체용해제 luteolysin
황체형성호르몬 luteinizing hormone, LH
황체호르몬 progesterone
황체화 luteinization
황폐증 phthisis
황홀감 ecstasy
황화 sulfide
홱보기 saccade
회고 retrospection
회고연구 retrospective study
회귀 regression
회귀계수 regression coefficient
회귀곡선 regression curve
회귀선 regression line
회내 pronation
회로 circuit, cycle
회복 recovery
회복기보호 aftercare
회복기치료 aftercare
회복시간 recovery time
회복실 recovery roof
회복제 restorative
회복지수 recovery quotient
회상 recall
회상치우침 recall bias
회색 gray
회색질 gray matter
회색질뇌염 polioencephalitis
회색질척수염 poliomyelitis
회선사상충증 onchocerciasis, river blindness
회선사위 cyclophoria, cyclotropia
회수 retrieval
회수기 retriever
회외 supination
회음 perineum
회장 ileum
회장폐쇄증 ileal atresia
회전 rotation, spin, turnover
회전가속 rotatory acceleration
회전교환기 revolver
회전근 rotator, muscle rotator
회전근개 rotator cuff
회전근띠 rotator cuff
회전기 revolver
회전력 torque
회전속도계 revolution counter
회전이상 malrotation
회전자 rotator
회전피판 rotation flap
회충 Ascaris lumbricoides
회충증 ascariasis
회피- avoidant
회피반사 withdrawal reflex
획득 acquisition, gain
획득성 gender
획득시간 acquisition time
횡- transverse
횡격막 diaphragm
횡격막하농양 subdiaphragmatic abscess, subphrenic abscess
횡골절 transverse fracture
횡문근 striated muscle
횡문근육종 rhabdomyosarcoma
횡문근융해 rhabdomyolysis
횡문근종 rhabdomyoma
효과 effect, effectiveness
효과기 effector
효능 potency
효력 validity
효모 yeast
효모균류 saccharomyces
효소 enzyme, zymolysis
효소면역측정법 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA
효소발생 zymogenesis
효소원 zymogen
효소학 enzymology
효소형성 zymogenesis
효율 efficiency
후각 smell
후각- olfactory
후각감퇴(증) hyposmia
후각뇌 rhinencephalon
후각뇌실 rhinocele
후각망울 olfactory bulb
후각상실증 anosmia
후각신경 olfactory nerve
후각자극제 odorant
후각저하 hyposmia
후굴 retroflexion, retroversion
후굴- retroflexed
후기 anaphase
후기천식반응 late asthmatic response
후두 larynx
후두개 epiglottis
후두개염 epiglottitis
후두경검사(법) laryngoscopy
후두덮개 epiglottis
후두덮개염 epiglottitis
후두실 laryngeal ventricle
후두염 laryngitis
후두엽 occipital lobe
후두인두 hypopharynx
후두절개술 laryngotomy
후두절제술 laryngectomy
후방 posterior chamber
후방돌진 retropulsion
후방십자인대 posterior cruciate ligament
후방전 afterdischarge
후방탈구 backward dislocation
후보호 aftercare
후부탈질 enterocele
후부하 afterload
후비루 postnasal drip
후생 welfare
후유증 sequela
후전 recession
후전술 recession operation
후전위 afterpotential
후천면역결핍증후군 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS
후치료 aftercare
후탈분극 afterdepolarization
후퇴 retrusion
후퇴안진 retraction nystagmus
후향- retrospective
후향연구 retrospective study
후향코호트연구 retrospective cohort study
훈련 training
훑개 scanner
훑기 scan, scanning
훼손 mutilation
휜발 clubfoot, talipes
휴식 intermission
휴식- resting
휴식기 resting phase
휴식기압력 resting pressure
휴지 pause
휴지기 telogen
휴지기세포 resting cell
흉- thoracic
흉강 thoracic cavity
흉강경 thoracoscope
흉강삽관(술) thoracostomy
흉강천자 thoracentesis
흉골 sternum
흉골열 sternal cleft
흉골절개술 sternotomy
흉곽출구증후군 thoracic outlet syndrome
흉곽협착(증) thoracostenosis
흉관 thoracic duct
흉막 pleura
흉막강 pleural cavity
흉막경유- transpleural
흉막공간 pleural space
흉막마찰음 pleural friction rub
흉막삼출 pleural effusion
흉막염 pleurisy, pleuritis
흉막유착 pleurodesis
흉막통증 pleuritic pain, pleurodynia
흉반 sucking disc
흉복- thoracoabdominal
흉복벽파열증 thoracogastroschisis
흉복부절개 thoracoabdominal incision
흉부 chest
흉부외과 thoracic surgery
흉쇄유돌근 sternocleidomastoid muscle
흉수 pleural effusion fluid
흉추 thoracic vertebra
흉터 cicatrix, scar
흉터성형술 scar revision
흉터조직 scar tissue
흉터종 keloid
흉터형성 scarring
흉통 chest pain
흐려보임 blurred vision
흐려짐 blurring
흐름 drainage, flow, stream
흐름계 flowmeter
흐름길 circuit
흐름성 rheotaxis
흐름세포측정 flow cytometry
흐름측정(법) flowmetry
흐름측정기 flowmeter
흐린시력 blurred vision
흐림 flare
흑사병 pest, plague
흑색변 melena
흑색점 lentigo
흑색점증 lentiginosis
흑색종 melanoma,
흑색증 melanosis
흑색질 substantia nigra
흑암시 amaurosis
흑열병 black fever
흑청색화 lividity
흔들기 jactitation
흔들림 blurring, jitter
흔듦기 swing phase
흔적 vestige, vestigium
흔적기관 vestigial organ
흔적자궁뿔 rudimentary uterine horn
흔적치아 rudimentary tooth
흘림 shedding
흡광도 optical density
흡기 inspiration
흡기시간 inspiratory phase time
흡기후휴지시간 inspiratory pause time
흡수 resorption
흡수검사 absorption test
흡수계수 absorption coefficient
흡수계측(법) absorptiometry
흡수공간 resorption lacuna
흡수선량 radiation absorbed dose
흡수시험 absorption test
흡수작용 absorption action
흡수장애 malabsorption
흡수제 absorber
흡수촉진- sorbefacient
흡수촉진제 sorbefacient
흡연 smoking
흡연자 smoker
흡인 aspiration, sucking, suction
흡인기 suction apparatus
흡인물 aspirate
흡인생검 aspiration biopsy
흡인세포검사 aspiration cytology
흡인지방절제술 suction lipectomy
흡인폐렴 aspiration pneumonia
흡입 inhalation
흡입기 inhaler, inspirator
흡입마취(법) insufflation narcosis
흡입법 insufflation
흡입산소농도 oxygen fraction in inspired air, FiO2
흡입제 inhalant
흡입화상 inhalation burn
흡착 adsorption
흡착능 adsorption capacity
흡충 fluke, trematode
흡충증 trematodiasis
흡호기대비 inspiratory expiratory ratio
흥분 excitation, excitement
흥분도 excitability
흥분성 excitability, irritability
흥분제 stimulant
희귀두개안면열 craniofacial rare
희귀머리얼굴틈새 rare craniofacial cleft
희박화 rarefaction
희발월경 oligomenorrhea
희석 dilution
희소돌기아교세포 oligodendroglia
희소돌기아교세포종 oligodendroglioma
흰자위막 sclera
흰털증 poliosis
히드로코르티손 hydrocortisone
히르슈슈프룽병 Hirschsprung's disease congenital megacolon
히스타민 histamine
히스테리 hysteria
히스테리성 histrionic
히스토플라스마증 histoplasmosis
히스톤 histone
히스티딘 histidine
히푸르산 hippuric acid
힘 force, power, strength
힘살 belly
힘주기 straining
힘줄 tendon
힘줄근육성형(술) tenomyoplasty
힘줄근육절단(술) tenomyotomy
힘줄박리(술) tenolysis
힘줄반사 tendon reflex
힘줄성형(술) tendoplasty, tenoplasty
힘줄염 tendinitis
힘줄윤활막염 tendosynovitis, tenosynovitis, tenovaginitis
힘줄절단(술) tenotomy
힘줄절제(술) tenonectomy
힘줄주위염 peritendinitis
힘줄집 tendon sheath
힘줄황색종 tendinous xanthoma
힘측정계 dynamometer