나그네바이러스 passenger virus
나눔 fractionation
나르개 carrier
나무 tree
나방 moth
나병 leprosy
나병균 Mycobacterium leprae
나비- sphenoid
나비굴경유접근법 transsphenoid approach
나비굴염 sphenoiditis
나비뼈 sphenoid bone
나비뼈- sphenoid
나비뼈경유수술 transsphenoidal surgery
나비뼈통과수술 transsphenoidal surgery
나비아래턱인대 sphenomandibular ligament
나비입천장동맥 sphenopalatine artery
나사 screw
나선 helix, whirl,
나선- spiral
나선기관 spiral organ
나선능선 spiral crest
나선동맥 spiral artery
나선막 spiral membrane
나선식- helical
나선인대 spiral ligament
나선주름 spiral fold
나선판 spiral lamina
나선판가장자리 spiral limbus
나선형- helical
나이 age
나이먹음 aging
나이세리아 Neisseria
나종형 lepromatous type
나트륨 sodium
나트륨뇨배설촉진제 natriuretic
나트륨통로 sodium channel
나트륨혈증 sodemia
낙설 scaling
낙인 stigma
낙태 abortion, miscarriage
낙태아 abortus
난관 uterine tube
난관결찰 tubal ligation
난관난소- tuboovarian
난관배- tuboabdominal
난관염 salpingitis
난관유산 tubal abortion
난관절제(술) tubectomy
난모세포 oocyte, ovocyte
난산 dystocia
난세포 ootid
난소 ovary
난소기능상실 ovarian failure
난소낭 ovarian cyst
난소낭종 ovarian cyst
난소물혹 ovarian cyst
난소버팀질종양 sex cord-stromal tumor
난소부전 ovarian failure
난소생식세포종 dysgerminoma
난소술 ovarian fimbria
난소염 oophoritis
난소임신 ovarian pregnancy
난소절제(술) oophorectomy
난소제거 spay
난시 astigmatism
난원형 oviform
난자 ovum
난자기증 oocyte donation
난장이 dwarf
난장이증 dwarfism
난절법 scarification
난접합 oogamy
난청 deafness, hypoacusis
난치- intractable
난치궤양 intractable ulcer
난치성 intractability
난포 follicle, folliculus
난포- follicular
난포낭 follicular cyst, oocyst
난포내난자 ovule
난포막종 thecoma
난포막황체낭 theca-lutein cyst
난포막황체물혹 theca-lutein cyst
난포자 oospore
난포자극호르몬 follicle stimulating hormone, FSH
난포주머니 follicular cyst
난포호르몬 estradiol
난폭성 violence
난할 cleavage
난형열원충 Plasmodium ovlae
난황낭 yolk sac
난황정맥 vitelline vein
난황주머니 yolk sac
난황줄기 yolk stalk
날개 flange
날개근 pterygoid muscle
날개모서리 flange
날개입천장오목 pterygopalatine fossa
날록손 naloxone
날문 pylorus
날문관 pyloric canal
날문구멍 pyloric orifice
날문근육절개(술) pyloromyotomy
날문방 pyloric antrum
날문성형술 pyloroplasty
날문연축 pylorospasm
날문절개술 pylorotomy
날문협착(증) pyloric stenosis
날숨 expiration
날숨끝양압 positive end expiratory pressure, PEEP
날숨시간 expiratory phase time
날숨쌕쌕거림 expiratory wheezing
날숨후쉬는시간 expiratory pause time
날줄 meridian
날카로운소리 shrill
날트렉손 naltrexone
남녀중간몸 hermaphrodite
남녀중간몸증 hermaphroditism
남녀한몸 intersex
남성 male
남성- male
남성성 masculinity
남성염색체 Y chromosome
남성특징상실 eviration
남성형털과다증 hirsutism
남성호르몬 androgen, testosterone
남성화 masculinization, virilism, virilization
남용 abuse
남은공기량 residual volume
납 lead
납작- flat
납작머리증 brachycephaly
납작코 flat nose
납중독 lead poisoning, saturnism
낫 falx
낫세포소질 sickle cell trait
낫적혈구빈혈 sickle cell anemia, sicklemia
낫적혈구형성소질 sickle cell trait
낭 bag, cyst, sac, saccus
낭- cystic
낭공장연결술 cystojejunostomy
낭기형종 cystic teratoma
낭림프관종 cystic hygroma
낭미충 cysticercus
낭미충증 cysticercosis
낭병터 cystic lesion
낭빈창자연결술 cystojejunostomy
낭샘암종 cystadenocarcinoma
낭샘종 cystadenoma
낭샘창자연결술 cystoduodenostomy
낭성중층괴사 cystic medial necrosis
낭십이지장연결술 cystoduodenostomy
낭염 pouchitis
낭위연결술 cystogastrostomy
낭장연결술 cystoenterostomy
낭종 cyst, cystoma, cystic neoplasm, cystic tumor
낭종- cystic
낭창 lupus
낭창자연결술 cystoenterostomy
낮은삼투압용액 hypotonic solution
낯가림 stranger anxiety
낱뼈 osteocomma
내- inner, internal
내과 medicine
내과의사 physician
내독소 endotoxin
내려받기 download
내림 depression, descensus, descent
내림- descendens, descending
내림근 depressor
내림길 descending tract
내림제 depressor
내림프 endolymph
내반족 talipes varus
내반첨족 equinovarus
내배엽 endoblast, endoderm, entoderm
내배엽굴종양 endodermal sinus tumor
내번 inversion
내부- endogenous
내분비- endocrine
내뿜음 emanation
내사법 interpolation
내사시 esotropia
내성 introspection, resistance, tolerance, toleration
내성인자 resistance factor
내성장 ingrowth
내시경 endoscope
내시경검사 endoscopy
내시경수술 endoscopic operation
내시경역행쓸개이자조영술 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, ERCP
내시경역행이자관조영술 endoscopic retrograde pancreatography
내시경역행췌담관조영술 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, ERCP
내시경역행췌장관조영술 endoscopic retrograde pancreatography
내시경초음파검사 endoscopic ultrasound
내시경코쓸개관배액술 nasobiliary drainage
내시음성 eunuchoid voice
내쏟음 emission
내용 content
내용적출술 exenteration
내이염 labyrinthitis
내인- endogenous, intrinsic
내인인자 intrinsic factor
내인자 intrinsic factor
내자궁경부염 endocervicitis
내장- visceral
내장낭미충 cysticercus viscerotropica
내장딴곳증 splanchnectopia
내장반사 visceral reflex
내장신경 visceral nerve
내장전위 splanchnectopia
내장쪽가슴막 visceral pleura
내장쪽배막 visceral peritoneum
내장쪽복막 visceral peritoneum
내장탈출 eventration
내장통증 visceral pain
내재- indwelling, intrinsic
내재화 internalization
내전 adduction
내전근반사 adductor reflex
내증식 ingrowth
내진 vaginal examination
내태아회전(술) internal version
내편위 esodeviation
내피 endothelium
내피밑- subendothelial
내피밑층 subendothelium
내피세포 endotheliocyte
내향 introversion
내향성 introvert
내향적사람 introvert
내혈관망 inner vascular web
내형질 endoplasm
내화도 refractoriness
내회선 intorsion
내회전 internal rotation
냄새 odor, smell
냉각 cooling, quenching, rhigosis
냉감증 frigidity
냉동 freezing
냉동요법 cryotherapy
냉동진공건조 lyophilization
너비 width
널힘줄 aponeurosis
널힘줄밑- subaponeurotic
널힘줄염 aponeurositis
넓은목근 platysma
넓적다리 thigh
넘어짐발작 drop attack
넘쳐흐름 overflow
넙다리 thigh
넙다리- femoral
넙다리곧은근 rectus femoris muscle
넙다리네갈래근 quadriceps femoris muscle
넙다리동맥 femoral artery
넙다리뼈머리뼈끝분리증 slipped capital femoral epiphysis
넙다리뼈 femur
넙다리뼈머리무혈관괴사 avascular necrosis of the femoral head
넙다리뼈머리뼈끝뼈연골증 osteochondrosis of the capitular epiphysis of the femur
넙다리탈장 femoral hernia
네갈래근 quadriceps
네모엽 quadrate lobe
네배수체 tetraploid
네징후 tetralogy
넬라톤카테터 Nelaton's catheter
노년 old age
노년기 senility
노년백내장 senile cataract
노동 labor
노동맥 radial artery
노력날숨폐활량 forced expiratory volume
노력들숨폐활량 forced inspiratory volume
노르말헥산 n-hexane
노르에피네프린 norepinephrine
노뼈 radius
노손목- radiocarpal
노쇠 senescence
노시안 presbyopia
노신경 radial nerve
노안 presbyopia
노안경 reading spectacles
노인의학 geriatrics
노인치매 senile dementia
노인학 gereology
노정맥 radial vein
노쪽- radial
노출 exposure
노출시간 exposure time
노카르디아 Nocardia
노화 aging, senescence
노화과정 aging process
녹내장 glaucoma
녹농균 Pseudomonas aeroginosa
녹말 starch
녹색 green
녹색종 chloroma
논리체계 algorithm
논문 article, paper
논술 essay
놀람반응 startle response
놀이 play
농 matter, pus
농가진 impetigo
농기흉 pyopneumothorax
농뇨 pyuria
농도 concentration, density, level
농루 blennorrhea, pyorrhea
농아 audimutitas
농안 pyophthalmitis
농양 abscess
농창 ecthyma
농축 inspissation
농축물 concentrate
농축세포용적 packed cell volume
농축적혈구 packed red blood cell
농축핵 pyknotic nucleus
농 septicopyemia
농포 pustule
농포증 pustulosis
농포진 pustular eruption
농포형성 pustulation
농혈증 pyemia
농흉 empyema, pyothorax
높은곳공포증 acrophobia
높이 height
높이기 elevation
놓침발작 drop attack
뇌 brain
뇌- cerebral
뇌간 brainstem, brain stem
뇌간반사 brainstem reflex
뇌경색증 cerebral infarction
뇌고름집 pyocephalus
뇌내- intracerebral
뇌내출혈 intracerebral hemorrhage
뇌농양 pyocephalus
뇌들보 corpus callosum
뇌류 cephalocele, encephalocele
뇌바닥동맥 basilar artery
뇌병증 encephalopathy
뇌사 brain death
뇌성- cerebral
뇌소포 brain vesicle
뇌속출혈 intracerebral hemorrhage
뇌수막염 encephalomeningitis
뇌수조조영술 cisternography
뇌신경 cranial nerve
뇌실 ventricle, ventriculus
뇌실경 ventriculoscope
뇌실경검사법 ventriculoscopy
뇌실내- intraventricular
뇌실내출혈 intraventricular hemorrhage
뇌실막밑세포종 subependymoma
뇌실막세포 ependymocyte
뇌실막세포종 ependymoma
뇌실보개 ventriculoscope
뇌실보개검사법 ventriculoscopy
뇌실복강지름술 ventriculoperitoneal shunt
뇌실염 ventriculitis
뇌실조영술 ventriculography
뇌실창냄술 ventriculostomy
뇌실확장 ventricular enlargement
뇌없는아이 anencephalus
뇌없음증 anencephaly, nosencephaly
뇌연화증 encephalomalacia
뇌염 encephalitis
뇌염후변성 postencephalitic degeneration
뇌영상 neuroimaging
뇌전도 electroencephalogram
뇌전도검사 electroencephalography, EEG
뇌전산단층촬영 brain CT
뇌졸증 stroke
뇌줄기 brainstem, brain stem
뇌줄기반사 brainstem reflex
뇌줄기신경아교종 brain stem glioma
뇌중풍 stroke
뇌진탕 concussion
뇌척수- cerebrospinal
뇌척수병증 encephalomyelopathy
뇌척수액 cerebrospinal fluid, CSF
뇌척수액세포증가증 pleocytosis
뇌척수염 encephalomyelitis, myelencephalitis
뇌초음파검사 echoencephalography
뇌초음파상 echoencephalogram
뇌타박상 cerebral contusion
뇌탈출증 cephalocele, encephaocele
뇌파검사 electroencephalography, EEG
뇌파도 electroencephalogram
뇌하수체 hypophysis, pituitary, pituitary gland
뇌하수체- pituitary
뇌하수체저하증 hypopituitarism
뇌하수체항진증 hyperpituitarism
뇌혈관- cerebrovascular
뇌혈관병 cerebrovascular disease
뇌혈관사고 cerebrovascular accident, CVA
뇌혈관질환 cerebrovascular disease
뇌활 fornix
뇌활밑기관 subfornical organ
누가현상 recruitment phenomenon
누공절제술 fistulectomy
누공형성 fistulization
누드마우스 athymic nude mouse
누르개 depressor
누름통점 tender point
누름통증 tenderness
누운- recumbent
누운자세 decubitus, recumbent position
누움 decubitus
누적 summation
누출 transudation
누출액 transudate
눈 eye, oculus
눈- ocular, ophthalmic, optic
눈가림법 blind method
눈감음반사 eyelid closure reflex
눈구석성형술 canthoplasty
눈근육마비 ophthalmoplegia
눈금 division, scale
눈금판 dial
눈깜박임 blink
눈꺼풀 eyelid, palpebra
눈꺼풀겉말림 ectropion
눈꺼풀뒷당김 lid retraction
눈꺼풀속말림 entropion
눈꺼풀솔기 palpebral raphe
눈꺼풀연축 blepharospasm
눈꺼풀염 blepharitis
눈꺼풀처짐 ptosis
눈꺼풀테 lid margin
눈꺼풀판 tarsus
눈꺼풀판밑- subtarsal
눈꺼풀판샘 tarsal gland
눈대상포진 ophthalmic zoster
눈돌림신경 oculomotor nerve
눈돌출(증) exophthalmos, ophthalmoptosis
눈된떨림 occular flutter
눈둘레근 orbicularis oculi muscle
눈뒤- retrobulbar
눈뒤공간 retrobulbar space
눈뒤마취 retrobulbar anesthesia
눈뒤시각신경염 retrobulbar optic neuritis
눈떨림 nystagmus
눈떨림검사(법) nystagmography
눈띠헤르페스 ophthalmic zoster
눈마름증 dry eye, xerophthalmia
눈마름증후군 dry eye syndrome
눈머리반사 oculocephalic reflex
눈모음 convergence
눈물 tears
눈물관 lacrimal duct
눈물점 punctum
눈물주머니염 dacryocystitis
눈물흘림 epiphora, lacrimation
눈바닥 ocular fundus
눈방수 aqueous humor
눈벌림 divergence
눈병증 oculopathy, ophthalmopathy
눈보개 ophthalmoscope
눈보개검사 ophthalmoscopy
눈부심 photophobia
눈부위 orbital region
눈소포 optic vesicle
눈속염 endophthalmitis
눈썹 eyebrow, supercilium
눈썹사이 glabella
눈알 eyeball
눈알- bulbar
눈알꺼짐증 enophthalmos
눈압박반사 eyeball compression reflex
눈없음증 anophthalmia
눈염증 ophthalmia, ophthalmitis
눈운동- optokinetic
눈짓 winking
눈탓기운목 ocular torticollis
눈피로 ophthalmocopia
눈확 orbit
눈확고름집 orbital abscess
눈확뼈막 periorbita, periorbital membrane
눈확사이막 orbital septum, tarsal membrane
눈확천장 orbital roof
눌림증 temponade
뉴클레오시다아제 nucleosidase
뉴클레오시드 nucleoside
뉴클레오이드 nucleoid
뉴클레오캡시드 nucleocapsid
뉴클레오티드 nucleotide
뉴클레오티드분해효소 nucleotidase
느낌 feeling
느린맥 bradycardia
느린맥 bradyrhythmia
늑간- intercostal
늑골 rib
늑골간신경차단 intercostal nerve block
늑골척추각 costovertebral angle, CVA
늑연골염 costochondritis
늘임(술) lengthening
능 capacity
능동면역 active immunity
능동화 activation
능력 ability, competence
능률 efficiency, moment
능선 crest, ridge
능형뇌 hindbrain, rhombencephalon
늦골수세포 metamyelocyte
늦됨 retardation
늦은심장박동감소 late deceleration
늦정조세포 B spermatogonium
니스타틴 nystatin
니슬소체 tigroid body, Nissl body
니켈 nickel
니코틴 nicotine
니코틴아미드혈(증) nicotinamidemia
니트라진 nitrazine
니트로글리세린 nitroglycerin
니트로블루테트라졸륨검사 nitroblue tetrazolium test, NBT test
니트로푸루시드 nitroprusside
니페디핀 nifedipine